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Sept 07

The driveway is finally done.  At least phase 1 is.  This is dyed, stamped concrete.  4,000 sq ft, approx 65 cu yds of concrete.

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July 2002

The Gazebo

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Aug 2005

Grace with our latest addition

Starfire (mom) and Valentino

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June 2000

Our chicken coop

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June 2000

Cotone in her outdoor hutch

RIP 2004

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Geppetto's Workshop

This is where Grace sends Andy when he is naughty

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Casa de Bianca

RIP 12/01

The Construction Project

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June 1988

Getting Started
Forming out the

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July 1988

Staying on top of things.  Getting ready to frame the second story

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July 1989

The next summer. 
Finally, help has
arrived!  Carmine
& Andy finishing
the last of the

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April 1991

Grace, Andy and Bianca in front of our home

The Finished Product

The Front

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The Entrance Gallery

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Looking into the
Room, from the
Entrance Gallery,
with the Sun Room

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The Entertainment Room

The Sun Room

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The Living Room

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The Kitchen

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The Dining Room

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The Library

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Uncle Mike, Aunt Nancy, Grace and Andy in our yard


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