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Jan 2009

Andy and Attorney General Rob McKenna at his Re-election swearing in ceremony. Andy holds a seat on Rob's State Advisory Council.

Dec 2011

Dinner and reception with President Regan's son Michael.

April 2006

Andy meets Vice President Cheney for a 1 hour private roundtable meeting and lunch.  There were only Andy plus 6 others at the roundtable. Quite the honor!

April 2006

After the meeting, the Vice President speaking to the larger group attending the lunch

Chairman and Grace at LDD.jpg (1002562 bytes) Feb 2004

Senator Dino Rossi, Congressman George Nethercutt with Andy & Grace at the Island County GOP Lincoln Day Dinner

Bush thank you.jpg (804075 bytes) December 04

Now that's a thank you!  Hand written.

Dick Cheney Arriving in Everett Washington

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November 2000

Andy greeting Vice President Cheney at his arrival in Everett, WA

cheney2.jpg (690659 bytes) November 2000

Vice President Cheney signing Andy's "BUSH" hat, beside the signature of President Bush

Cambodian.jpg (663556 bytes) October 2000

Andy was a guest speaker on behalf of the Bush Campaign at a dinner reception hosted by The Cambodian-
American Republicans of Washington State

largent.jpg (1050310 bytes) August 2000

At a dinner reception with Congressmen Steve Largent, Lindsey Graham, and Congressional Candidate John Koster

GW Bush Visiting Everett Washington

MVC-132S (1).JPG (24003 bytes) August 2000

Everett WA

George W and Laura Bush

MVC-156S (1).JPG (27153 bytes) August 2000

Everett WA

Andy with George W Bush in the background

MVC-147S (1).JPG (20189 bytes) August 2000

Everett WA

George W Bush

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Everett WA

George W and Laura Bush, Senator John McCain

parade1.jpg (81632 bytes) July 4, 2000

Independence Day Parade, Oak Harbor

Andy driving Congressional Candidate John Koster

parade2.jpg (87864 bytes) July 4, 2000

Independence Day Parade, Oak Harbor

Senate Candidate Norma Smith, US Congressman Jack Metcalf, Congressional Candidate John Koster with Andy

state1.jpg (65869 bytes) June 2000

WA State Convention

Grace & Andy with WA State Gubernatorial Candidate John Carlson

state2.jpg (58729 bytes) June 2000

WA State Convention

Grace & Andy with Congresswoman Jennifer Dunn (RIP Sept 2007)

recent_forbes.jpg (53344 bytes) October 1999

Andy with Presidential Candidate Steve Forbes

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August 1998

Eric, Andy, and Grace with Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich

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June 1998

Andy (GOP state delegate ) with Congresswoman Linda Smith


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