Old Vac&Misc Photos

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November 07

Visiting our friends Tom and Nancy while in New Orleans

November 07

Grace and Andy on Bourbon Street in French Quarter of New Orleans

November 07

St Louis Cathedral in New Orleans

November 07

Grace and Andy on the St Charles Street car in New Orleans

November 07

Local Jazz talent in the French Quarter

November 07

Typical above ground cemetery in New Orleans, because the area is below sea level

November 07

Typical above ground cemetery in New Orleans, for those that have a few extra $


November 07

Taken from the Mississippi River, this is an example of the levies that surround the area of New Orleans.  The building in the background is 5 stories, 2 of which you cannot see.

November 07

Grace with Sandra at the beach

November 07

Sandra and Amanda at the beach


November 07

Thanksgiving dinner with our friend Sandra's family in Pensacola Florida

November 07

Grace with Romeo's mother (Little Bit) and sister (Daisy)

November 07

Gracie riding her pony

November 07

Sandra's mom and brother Tommy


September 07

Grace and nephew Eric who came to visit


September 07

Famous star that came out with Eric to visit us

September 07

Grace and Andy at a restaurant on the waterfront near home


September 2007

Denise, Jimmy, Grace and Andy at the B&B where we stayed during our visit to Mt Rainier


September 2007

Grace and Andy on Mount Rainier at the visitor center

September 2007

Jimmy, on Mount Rainier, pointing to the summit as it appears thru the clouds.  Mt Rainier is the tallest mountain in the lower 48, 14,410 feet high.



June 2007

My new friends at Le Duna Hotel in Sabaudia

Francisco, Ilaria, Luca



June 2007

Rome - The Arch of Septimius Severus in the Rome Forum.


June 2007

Rome - The Collosseum - Opened in 72 AD


June 07

Inside the Colosseum - a vast amphitheatre with seating for 55,000 that was designed as an arena for animal fighting and gladiatorial battles

June 07

fori imperiali


June 07

Andy & Grace with our friends Vincenzo and Franca who live in Rome

June 07

Andy's friend Kevin in one of Rome's  Ruins

June 07

Andy in one of Rome's  Ruins

June 07

One of Rome's many Ruins which are within the city, surrounded by modern civilization


June 07

Castel Sant' Angelo

June 07

Altare Della Patria

June 07

The start of a 2 hour line to get into the Vatican.  The Vatican wall behind the people


June 07

The Vatican Museum - The Map Gallery - Paintings of maps of all the provinces of Italy


June 07

The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.  Built between 1475 and 1483, in the time of Pope Sixtus IV.  The chapel is rectangular in shape and measures 40.93 meters long by 13.41 meters wide, i.e. the exact dimensions of the Temple of Solomon, as given in the Old Testament

Michelangelo placed nine central stories illustrating episodes of the Genesis within a powerful painted architecture, with at their sides figures of Nudes, holding medallions with texts taken from the Book of Kings
From Left to Right:

Sacrifice of Noah, Original Sin and the Banishment from Eden, Creation of Eve, Creation of Adam, Separation of land from sea

June 07

The ceiling of the Chapel is actually rectangular and flat, but Michelangelo being a sculptor, painted in 3D

June 07

Michelangelo illustrates simultaneously Original Sin (Genesis 3:1-13) and the banishment of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden.  The two episodes are separated by the tree of good and evil, around which the serpent is wrapped.

June 07

Michelangelo  painted the Last Judgment  over the altar of the Sistine Chapel between 1535 and 1541

June 07

The walls were not painted by Michelangelo.  The north wall, the stories of Christ - this one is the Baptism of Christ

June 07

The Swiss Guards of The Vatican


June 07

Andy & Grace in St. Peter's Square


June 07

St. Peter's Square


June 07

Statues of Jesus (center) atop St. Peter's


June 07

Inside St. Peter's Basilica


June 07

The Pieta inside St. Peter's Basilica


June 07

At our friend's home in Rome - Vincenzo and Franca


June 07

The entrance to the depths of the Catacombs


June 07

A painting of Jesus inside one of the tunnels of the Catacombs


June 07

Inside one of the many  tunnels of the Catacombs.  On each side the cutouts are the tombs of the early Christians that were buried here.


June 07

St. Paul's Church


June 07

The tomb of St. Paul, within St. Paul's Church


June 07

St. Paul's Church - Just above the columns, you can see a circular painting of all the Popes, going around this church


June 07

St. Paul's Church

A close-up of Pope Benedict XVI, the present pope.


June 07

Scalla di Spagna - The Spanish Steps


June 07

Fontana di Trevi

Designed by Nicola Salvi for Pope Clemente XII, it was completed in the second half of the 1700s

June 07

Fontana di Trevi

Tradition has it that throwing a coin over your shoulder into the fountain guarantees a swift return to the world's most beautiful city


Hawaii, Feb 2007

Andy, Grace, Nancy and Jerry at the "Place of Refuge" south of Kona


Hawaii, Feb 2007

The "Painted Church"  south of Kona



Hawaii, Feb 2007

Volcano National Park, Big Island of Hawaii - the crater


Hawaii, Feb 2007

Volcano National Park, Big Island of Hawaii - in the rainforest



Hawaii, Feb 2007

Volcano National Park, Big Island of Hawaii - inside a lava tube


Hawaii, Feb 2007

Black Sand Beach, Big Island of Hawaii



Hawaii, Feb 2007

Big Island of Hawaii - a lava beach


Hawaii, Feb 2007

2 Green Sea Turtles at the Black Sand Beach, Big Island of Hawaii



Maui, March 2007

Maui Hill - very nice condo resort we stayed at in Maui


Maui, March 2007

View from out condo at the Maui Hill



Maui, March 2007

Grace and Andy on Maui


Maui, March 2007

Maui Sunset



Maui, March 2007

The play "'Ulalena" at the Maui Theatre


Maui, March 2007

Maui waterfall on the Road to Hana


Vegas June 7, 2006

Grace's BD dinner in the Eiffel Tower Restaurant atop the Paris Hotel, Las Vegas

Vegas June 7, 2006

Las Vegas, night shot on the strip


Vegas June 2006

The Paris Hotel


Vegas June 2006

Las Vegas

Vegas June 2006

Grace with Lucy

Vegas June 2006

Hugh Heffner with 2 of the newest Playboy Bunnies

Vegas June 2006

Andy with Abe

Vegas June 2006

Grace, GWB and Andy

NY Dec 2005

Christmas Eve at Sammy and Rita's

NY Dec 2005

Christmas Eve dinner at Patti and Anthony's


NY Dec 2005

Christmas Eve - Grace with cousin Lisa


NY Dec 2005

Christmas morning, Eric opening gifts

NY Dec 2005

Christmas morning, Emanuel opening gifts.  Note the excitement in his face :-)




NY Dec 2005

Christmas at Denise & Jim's. Andy's family


NY Dec 2005

Becca and Keith came up to Denise's to visit.  These are our new friends that we met on our Baltic Cruise last summer.

New Years Eve 05-06

Grace, Nancy, Arlene and Rosemarie at the Mahopac Country Club

New Years Eve 05-06

Andy & Grace at the Mahopac Country Club


New Years Eve 05-06

Shhhh - don't tell anyone

New Years Eve 05-06

The crew

Jerry, Nancy, Rosemarie, Grace, Andy, Arlene, Kevin and John

Baltics August 2005

Who are these people?

Taken at Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen

Baltics August 2005

Formal night onboard the Star Princess sailing the Baltic's

Baltics August 2005

Downtown Copenhagen

Baltics August 2005

Nyhvan Canal in downtown Copenhagen

Baltics August 2005

Helsinki Finland - Jon Sibelius Park.  Sibelius was a famous Finnish Composer

Baltics August 2005

Helsinki Cathedral

Pop and Grace in the foreground

Baltics August 2005

Oslo Norway - former Gestapo headquarters downtown

Baltics August 2005

Oslo's Vigiland Park  Vigiland was a famous sculptor

Baltics August 2005

Oslo's Vigiland Park

The fountain is being held up by 6 men, symbolic of The Burdon of Life.  The 20 Tree Groups around it showing Man's Relationship with Nature.

Baltics August 2005

Oslo's Vigiland Park

One of 36 sculptures depicting The Cycle of Life.  This one is Old Age.

Baltics August 2005

Formal Night onboard the Star Princess, on the Grand Staircase.

Baltics August 2005

St. Petersburg Russia - St. Isaac's Cathedral

Baltics August 2005

St. Petersburg Russia -

The entrance to the Hermitage Museum.

Baltics August 2005

St. Petersburg Russia -

The burial place of Czar  Alexander II, in the Church of our Savior on Spilled Blood


Baltics August 2005

St. Petersburg Russia -

The Church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood.

Baltics August 2005

St. Petersburg Russia -

The back yard of the Peterhoff Palace.

Baltics August 2005

Stockholm Sweden - The Golden Room inside City Hall.  This is where all of the Nobel Prize's are awarded, except the Peace Prize.

Baltics August 2005

Stockholm Sweden - Stortorget downtown area.


Baltics August 2005

Stockholm Sweden -

The Vasa Viking Ship, sunk on its maiden voyage in 1628.

Baltics August 2005

Stockholm Sweden -

The Vasa Viking Ship remained under water for 333 years, when it was found and raised in 1961.


Baltics August 2005

Tallinn Estonia - The old town fortress.


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The USS Abraham Lincoln, after returning from the Iraq War

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Onboard the USS Abraham Lincoln, Andy in the Admiral's chair up in the bridge

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May 2003

Onboard the USS Abraham Lincoln, Andy in the driver's seat up in the bridge

SOY-Bush-Florendo-MSs.jpg (875069 bytes) May 2003

President Bush onboard the USS Abraham Lincoln.  Notice he is eating with the enlisted folks, and not in some plush officers dining room.

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