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The Molinaro's

Carmine, Rachela, Luigi, Vivian, Francesco, Annunziata, Giocchino


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Maria and Peter Benedetto

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Mary and Alexander Valrosa

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May 5, 1951

Jackie & Andrew's wedding
Andrew's side

Jimmy, Julia, Commare Carmela, Angela, Don, Peter, Rosa, Jean, Antonette, Ida, Angie, Joseph, Mary, Andrew, Jacqueline, Rose

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May 5, 1951 Jackie & Andrew's wedding
Jackie's side

Luke, Anita, Mike, Nettie, Joe, Justine, Danny, Carl, Peter, Annunziata, Andrew, Jacqueline, Maria

1954 - A newly found picture believed to be from George Benedetto Jr's and Billy Tendy's Christening.  Left to Right:

Front row:
George Benedetto with baby Michael in arms, Danny Benedetto, Bill Tendy, Vinny Tritto (boy).

Back row:
?, Joseph Benedetto, Luke Benedetto, Peter Benedetto, Carl Benedetto, Armond Savacchio, Vincent Tritto, Michael Benedetto


Eleanor Valrosa


Rosa Marcellaro (Valrosa)

(RIP 2008)

Rosa and Eleanor Valrosa Andrew Valrosa and Tony Stabile
    family_tarsitanos.JPG (14345 bytes) July 73


Francesco, Rosetta, Elena, Santina, Natale, Antonio


family_molinaros_italy.JPG (15762 bytes) Tarsitanos

Antonio, Rosa, Carmine Molinaro, Elena, Gaetano, Maddalena


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December 77

Luke Benedetto (RIP), Anita, Laura and Mary

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Andy and Denise with Grandma Maria Benedetto (RIP)

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Andy and Mom Jacqueline  (RIP)

family_1stcousins.jpg (42068 bytes) January 1980

1st cousins

family_molinaro_brosis.JPG (30137 bytes) Molinaro Brothers & Sister

Louie, Frank, Rachel, Carmine
Molinaro (RIP)
family_molinaro_cousins.JPG (18532 bytes) January 82

1st cousins

family_aunts_uncles.jpg (36559 bytes) October 81

Joe, Nettie, Danny, Lois, Mike, Nancy, Tony, Justine

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Five Generations

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Grace and Andy's Engagement

Jerry, Nancy, Grace, Andy, Elena & Carmine (RIP)

family_wedpart.jpg (36633 bytes) January 1987

Anthony, Patty, Jimmy, Lisa, Chris, Nancy, Grace, Andy, Denise, Eric, Jimmy, Eileen, Emanuele, Joe

family_at_weding.jpg (56987 bytes) January 1987

Jimmy, Denise, Grace, Andy, Celia, Andrew

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Jack's 30th

Grace, Cousin Jack (RIP), Andy

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Cousins, Aunts and Uncles

family_bianca.jpg (45022 bytes) 1990

(our baby)


family_pups.jpg (33832 bytes) June 1991

Bianca's babies

family_carmine_elena.jpg (32428 bytes) August 1991

Carmine and Elena  in the Cascade Mountains, WA


family_benedettos.jpg (24499 bytes) Dec 1992

Benedetto Cousins, Aunts and Uncles


Cousins Elisa & Giuseppina Benedetto visiting NY from Italy with Giuseppe, Antonietta & her sister Babe


Giuseppina Benedetto with Giacomina, Maria  & Richard Ingineri (RIP), Gina & her family in NY


Leonardo Benedetto with Giacomina (RIP), Nancy Benedetto & Denise Valrosa (Albertelli) in NY


Leonardo Benedetto with Giuseppe, Pietro D'Aversa (RIP) & Vittorio Toledo in NY


Leonardo, Giuseppina & Elisa Benedetto with Ludovico's family in NY

1992 Leonardo & Giuseppina Benedetto with Michele (RIP), Giuseppe, Giacomina (RIP) & Maria in NY
1107piro3 (2).jpg (6302 bytes) Chris &
Janette Benedetto


johnwed.jpg (624366 bytes) November 1997

Aunt Rosa (RIP), Uncle Pete (RIP), Bob, Richie, Terry, Pop, Celia and Shirley (RIP)

Post 2000 Photos

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