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This website is dedicated to those family members who are no longer with us to share the experiences of our daily lives, but will remain in our hearts eternally.

We decided to develop this website to give those friends and family members who haven’t had the opportunity to visit us in person, a chance to see and read a bit about our lives and where we live. Also, we thought it was a good place to gather a few family photos that can be easily accessed by relatives and friends around the world. Please visit us regularly, as we will try to update this newsletter monthly, the "Recent Photos" and "Family Photos" pages from time to time. Don’t forget to sign our guestbook on our first page, so we know that you were here.


MARCH 2012

As you know, we typically go to Hawaii in January or February.  Since we had our 25th anniversary this year, we put off our annual Hawaii vacation to March.  Sandra and Gracie joined us as it was Gracie's 9th birthday.  We started with a week in Oahu, which is NOT one of our favorite places, but we have a friend there that we haven't seen for years, so we wanted to visit.  We stayed in a condo at the Hilton Hawaiian Village, on Waikiki Beach.  It was nice, but just don't care for Honolulu.  It is like NYC on the beach, all high rise hotels and concrete.  We had a nice visit with our friends, went to a Luau and Grace and Gracie got to play with the sea lions in the waterpark.

Dee and Trevor    Grace and Gracie    with the sea lion

After a week in Oahu, we went to Kona on the Big Island for 2 weeks.  This is where we normally vacation, at Kona Coast Resorts.  We have a 2 bedroom/2 bath condo there that is just lovely.  As always, the weather was perfect, sunny and low 80s every day.  Since this was Sandra's first time to Kona, we did a bit more sight seeing than normal, including a trip to the Volcano, the Place of Refuge, Painted Church and some of the other local attractions.  Grace and Sandra are checking off items on their Bucket List, so they went parasailing.  I'm sure that was one of the highlights for them.  We all had a great time and look forward to our next trip back next year.

Bye Bye                Flying high!            See how happy!    Arriving in Kona                                       Gracie snorkling                                Inside a Lava Tube

On the political front, Andy is a Chairman on Rob McKenna's Steering Committee for the Governor's race.  He is the current 2nd term Attorney General.  As you know, we have hosted him at our home in the past.  He is a friend and a great person, and is gonna be our next Governor for sure!

Till next month
Grace, Andy and Romeo 


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