
Up NationalConvention Speeches Inauguration

The follow are a few of the speeches written and given by Andy at various events


Island County Lincoln Day Dinner - 3/06

Island County Lincoln Day Dinner - 3/05

The Courts and Our Judges - 02/04

Support the Troops Rally - 3/29/03

Candidates BBQ - 7/20/02

Cambodian-American Dinner - 3/28/2001


Presented at the Island County Lincoln Day Dinner 2006

 Thank you all for coming.

 Look at this great turnout.   You all deserve a round of applause for this great turnout!  Without you, it would not be possible.

 At this Lincoln Day Dinner of 2006, we are Celebrating Freedom:


The Freedom our founders fought a revolution for;


The Freedom generations of Americans have fought to protect;


The Freedom Endowed unto us not by mortal men, but by our Creator.


 NOT bequeathed at the whim of those who deem themselves our betters.

And now, our own generation has been summoned to the fight to preserve our Freedom and our Way of Life.

Our first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, whose life we celebrate tonight,

whose Presidency was reviled and attacked even as he struggled to save the Union, said this at Gettysburg:


“We are now engaged in a great Civil War, testing whether this nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.”


 Now we are tested again.  This time we are called to a different kind of war.


 Not between North and South, but between terror and peace, between hatred and democracy.

We fight Radical Islamic Terrorists, and we fight the enemy with. 

Iraq is Ground Zero, but since 9/11, these murderers have struck across the world: in London, Madrid, Bali, Israel, and Jordan.

And last week, 25 terrorists who attacked the USS Cole escaped from prison in Yemen.

But we are winning this long war; this struggle for our very lives. We will win it.

Here at home, we struggle to protect the Homeland.


 And, we fight on a Great Second Front.


 I speak now of an insidious war of words and actions by groups intent on destroying our way of life.


 A war of hatred and intolerance.


 A war on children who wish only to sing ‘Merry Christmas’ to their classmates.


 A war that uses lawsuits to suppress religious expression.


 A war that seeks to end our personal freedom.


 A war that seeks to destroy our traditions:
bulletOur families. Our faith. Our right to freely express ourselves. 

 I am talking about the Culture War

bullet This is the war that uses the insidious weapon known as “Political Correctness.”
bullet It has overtaken our colleges and universities.
bullet Faculty members who resist are denied tenure or fired.
bullet Students who resist are punished.
bullet Future teachers who resist are denied classrooms.
bullet Workers who resist are fired or sentenced to “diversity training.” 
bullet It is the new McCarthyism, and it is without shame.

 My Friends - We who are in this room tonight must fight this menace of hatred and intolerance.

 We are called to do this,   and     we       must.

 WE all have a MORAL OBLIGATION, a Minimum Debt owed for being born a free American, to preserve this freedom for the generations yet unborn.

bullet  We must elect those who will pledge to keep our freedoms even when it is not ‘Culturally or Politically Correct.’
bullet  We must hold them to account to be certain they do this.
bullet  We must insist that our institutions protect our freedom, not take it away.
bullet  We must take back our schools, colleges and universities.
bullet  We must insist that our courts and our judges follow the Constitution, not rewrite it.
bullet  We must withhold our support for the ‘mainstream’ media for as long as they continue their poisonous romance with promoters of hatred and intolerance like Michael   
    Moore, its love affair with cowardice and retreat, and its seductive propaganda of defeatism.
bullet We must resist and resist and resist again.
bullet The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
bullet We must do this not just for ourselves,  but for those who will come after us, and for those brave Americans who have answered Freedom’s Call in Iraq and Afghanistan.

 Our brave men and women, our coalition partners and Iraqi forces are waging a tough and successful battle against terrorist and insurgents.

 Let’s take a look at what the mainstream media is not showing us:  (Followed by a slide show showing before and after pictures and actual statements made by Iraqis, depicting the many improvements since Saddam was taken down)


Presented at the Island County Lincoln Day Dinner 2005

bulletSo much has happened since last year’s dinner.
bulletOur party has grown. In Fact, 3 yrs ago – we had 70 people at   our dinner, 2 yrs ago – 142, last year – 183, and this year over 200!
bulletWe now have a 1000 sq. ft. permanent headquarters
bulletWe had record number of volunteers doorbelling before the election.   And none of this would have been possible without all of you.
bulletWe had record turnout of dedicated voters in this state.
bulletSome even voted twice, or more!
bulletWe had may supporters in Florida and other states!
bulletWe even had dead people that felt compelled to vote!


bulletOne of the most important things that happened was re-electing George W Bush.


bulletFOUR MORE YEARS! How sweet the sound!
bulletI can’t imagine what the condition of our country would be in 2008 with the other guy, what’s his name? in charge.
bulletWe elected an excellent State Attorney General, Rob McKenna.
bulletGeneral McKenna will be a breath of fresh air in Olympia, after the reign of Commissar Christine.
bulletHe’s already very busy fixing the mess that the last Attorney General left behind, after moving on to her new Temporary Job.
bulletAnd after looking at the devastation of the insurance industry in our state, just think of what a term of General Deborah Senn would have done for us.


bullet The new makeup of the Legislature comes with both good and bad news.
bulletThe good news is we re-elected Barbara Bailey, and elected Chris Strow, who will be watchdogs for our conservative Republican values.
bulletThe Bad news is we lost margin in both the State Senate, which is now at 26-23, and the house, which is at 55-43.


bulletThis, combined with the present illegitimate governor spells MAJOR TROUBLE.
bulletThey are already looking at how they can raise taxes and take away more of our freedoms.
bulletYou can forget about any meaningful legislation on Tort Reform, which will further exacerbate the problems associated with the skyrocketing cost of medical care.


bulletBut looking beyond this is another issue of much greater concern.
bulletOne that will have potentially destructive consequences.
bulletWe need to be very concerned about the ugly hatred that we witnessed rearing its face from every corner of the left.
bulletThis hatred, fostered by the radical liberal left, through organizations like moveon.org and people like George Soros and the Hollywood elite can have very serious consequences on the future of our country.


bulletThe effects of this extreme liberalism is not something new, but like a volcano, the pressure has been building for years, and is now starting to erupt and spewing its fire everywhere.


bulletI used to laugh to myself when I heard Michael Savage refer to liberalism not as a political ideology, but as a mental disorder.
bulletI used to think that it was part of the "entertainment" of Savage, but now see the truth in what he says.


bulletIt started years ago in our schools, when we allowed academia to start poisoning the minds of our young, under the guise of such righteous names like "Diversity".
bulletIt has taken hold of our courts, to accomplish from the bench what it couldn’t accomplish in the legislature.
bulletIt is tearing apart our institutions - marriage, religion, families and traditional American values.
bulletIt is demonstrated by the mainstream media, in how the liberal newscasters present stories to intentionally influence public opinion, rather than just reporting facts and letting you decide.
bulletWhat must we do?
bulletWhile I don’t know all the answers, I do know that we must stand up, and stand united.


bulletRemember the words of the great President Lincoln, who paraphrased the New Testament when he said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand".


bulletWe must stop accepting or allowing the leftist propaganda in our lives.
bulletThis year, when I was wished "Happy Holiday", I politely replied "The name of the holiday is Christmas.
bulletIf you do not celebrate it, that is OK, but don’t change the name of my Holiday".
bulletAnd don’t run to some ACLU lawyer who will convince some liberal judicial terrorist in a black robe to write some law from the bench removing the word Christ out of Christmas.


bulletWe must start by taking control of our school boards and our education system.
bulletWhile the schools spend upwards of $9,000 per year per student of OUR hard earned money, which is extorted from us in the form of taxes that we pay on land that we think we own, it is time we let our local schools know when we are not happy with what they are teaching, or not teaching our children.
bulletWe are the customers and we pay their salaries. Be vocal, be involved, and ensure they properly serve you.
bulletTake back control of our public schools that WE pay for, from the teachers unions and the bureaucrats.


bulletIf I hear one more time that "my vote doesn’t count", I think I will vomit.
bulletAs close as the 2000 election was in Florida, it was a landslide compared to our own Governor’s race here in Washington this year!
bulletAnd it still isn’t over.
bulletMake sure that every person you know that supports the ideals of our party are registered to vote, and that they get out and do it.
bulletTeach your children the importance of voting, and understanding the issues. Don’t trust the schools do this critical job for you.


bulletThe Family Dinner Table is a place not only to eat, but a place where critical discussions that will shape your youngsters future happen.
bulletThese discussions at the family dinner table are so crucial in the growing up of a child through their teen years.
bulletIt is your opportunity to provide an alternative perspective to that which your child has heard all day from their peers, MTV, the biased teachers, and the other influences they are exposed to daily.


bulletGet involved.
bulletI was so pleased to see not only the number of volunteers that turned out this passed year to help our Party, but the number of them who had never been involved before.
bulletThe grassroots are definitely energized this year, and it is up to us, the leaders and activists to keep them energized while more newcomers come forward.
bulletAs you know by now, the Island County Republicans have a permanent Headquarters, located at 390 Midway Blvd, Oak Harbor, in the Trader Village Log Cabin building.
bulletStop by and visit, have a cup of coffee, or just stop in to chat with one of our volunteers about opportunities to get involved.


bulletJust as it took years for this volcano of extreme liberalism to explode into what we witnessed in recent months, rest assured that it has not yet gone dormant.
bulletThe eruption is just beginning.
bulletWill you let the lava of the left smother you and your way of life? Or will you fight to put a lid on it?
bulletThe decision is yours.
bulletThe outcome is critical
bulletWill your children enjoy the freedoms that you and I enjoy?
bulletWill they also enjoy some of the freedoms that we have lost and no longer have?
bulletTAKE ACTION NOW to preserve what freedom we still have, before it is too late!

May God bless you and keep blessing America.

Thank you


Elections - Their effect on Our Courts and Our Judges  presented at the Island County Lincoln Day Dinner 2/2004  

bulletWinning elections provides a direct, as well as an indirect consequence to our lives and freedoms.
bulletIn the case of a Presidential or US Senate victory, in addition to the near term DIRECT consequence of having your candidate serve you for a period of several years, there is also a long term INDIRECT consequence that most of us don’t always realize. THE LIFETIME APPOINTMENT OF FEDERAL JUDGES.
bulletLong after your candidate leaves office, the effects of the judicial appointees that he or she was responsible for confirming, will affect this country and our freedoms for many years to come.
bulletHere’s one example. I realize that not every one of us agrees on the controversial issue of abortion. However, REGARDLESS of one’s position on the Supreme Court ruling of Roe vs. Wade, no one can deny the magnitude of effect that the decision has had in our society.
bulletNot only the near term DIRECT consequence it had on 30 million babies, but also the long term INDIRCT consequences it has had on shaping politics, the Feminist movement, our Churches, Schools and the morality of society as a whole.
bulletFor example - A pro-choice litmus test has been created by Senate Democrats, for the confirmation of Federal Judges, and the Senate Socialists will FIGHT to the DEATH to prevent even a single Constructionist Judge from being seated.
bulletCase in point - Look at what happened to Miguel Estrada. After 2 years of the Senate Democrats obstructing the intent of the Constitution, Estrada finally gave up.
bulletPro-Life Judges such as Miguel Estrada don’t stand a chance. For many of the feminazis, Election Day is a single-issue decision, overshadowing the importance of any other issues relating to National Security, taxes or personal freedom.
bulletThe special interest will ensure that they elect Obstructionists to the Senate, SO they can prevent an up or down vote, as prescribed by the Constitution, on any Judge that may threaten their power.
bulletWhile schools’ zero tolerance policies on drugs prohibit handing out an aspirin, they widely practice the handing out of condoms and assist in obtaining an abortion. And they do this without parental notification.
bulletYES, the justices in Roe v Wade HAVE had a very profound impact on America over the past 30 years.


bulletLet’s jump to 2003, and look at a few recent rulings that the Left feels victorious about, and what long term and unplanned consequences these rulings may have.
bulletConsequences that have the left wing of America is TERRIFIED at the prospect of a Republican Presidential Re-election combined with an increase in Republican seats in the US Senate.
bulletFirst, there is the case of Lawrence vs. Texas and the Supreme Court’s ruling to overturn a State anti-sodomy statute. Lets put aside for a moment, whether that anti-sodomy statue should have been retained or stricken.
bulletThe question in need of examination is "Should the Supreme Court of the United States have been hearing this case in the first place?" Whatever action should have been taken, it should have been BY THE STATE OF TEXAS.
bulletThe power of the Supreme Court is limited to the evaluation of the Constitutional Basis of Laws.
bulletTake a look at the Founding Documents of the United States for a moment. The concept of DIVERSITY appears NOWHERE in ANY of the founding documents of this country, HOWEVER, they are FILLED with concepts of equality for all, and the Constitution clearly define a separation of powers.
bulletLiberal thinking judges, such as Justice Sandra Day O’Conner, think that it is justifiable to Subordinate the US Constitution, The SUPREME LAW of our land, in the name of Diversity.
bulletSurprisingly, O’Connor was appointed by a GOP administration. SO Not all GOP appointees turn out to be the model Judges we may want.  
bulletThe Constitution, which clearly LIMITS the power of government, does NOT empower the Supreme Court or the Judicial Branch of our government to make laws. In the anti-sodomy case, it should have been reserved for the Texas Legislative.
bulletLadies and Gentlemen, there was NO reason for the US Supreme Court to have heard this case. Any issues with the Texas Statute on sodomy should have been reserved for the state legislature!
bulletSo, what was their reasoning? One reason, cited by Justice Kennedy, was that the existing law violated a Constitutional Right to Privacy.
bulletWell, I must be carrying an outdated Revision of the Constitution, cause mine doesn’t list that Right. This alleged right was bred from the Pro-Abortion movement.
bulletJustice Antonin Scalia wrote, "The court has largely signed on to the so-called homosexual agenda. The court has taken sides in THE CULTURE WAR".
bulletYes, our country is in the midst of a CULTURAL WAR. A war that rewards the cowardice of Political Correctness, and the resulting loss of not only Personal Freedoms, but also the Respect for them.
bulletThis war is being led by the ACLU, and the Red Diaper Doper Babies of the 60’s. They are the enemy within. They have infiltrated our schools, they have infiltrated our government, they have infiltrated our churches and they have infiltrated our neighborhoods. And now they are wearing black robes and are allowed to write laws from the bench.
bulletWhat happened to the Separation of Powers so clearly outlined in the Constitution?
bulletThe most outrageous part of this ruling was the Supreme Court’s reference to Foreign Law. Justice Kennedy noted that the European Court of Human Rights and other foreign courts have affirmed "Rights of Homosexuals."
bulletWhat does this mean for the future? When Kennedy and 4 other Justices signed this opinion, was it a signal that OUR courts will now adopt the views of foreign courts?
bulletWhile our laws and traditions are being trashed, some Supreme Court Justices who have been enlightened by the laws of foreign nations are proudly citing this as just basis for making decisions affecting America.
bulletWell. . . who cares what the courts in Europe affirm? Are we now going to subordinate our sovereignty to Europe?? NEVER has the US Supreme Court’s Majority cited a FOREIGN legal precedence!
bulletJustice Scalia, joined by Rehnquist and Thomas wrote that "The courts discussion of the foreign views is meaningless dicta. Dangerous dicta, however, since this court should not impose foreign moods, fads, or fashions on Americans."
bulletIf some Radical Muslim Court in some part of the world approves of killing the infidel Christians and Jews, shall we now cite this as precedence in US Courts?
bulletAre we to feel at ease that these foreign nations have laws REQUIRING Islamic theocracy?
bulletJacque Chiraque of France has recently stated that in support of making France a Secular country, he supports a BAN of people wearing Crosses, Yarmulke and Muslim Headwear in public!
bulletSHALL THIS now be the precedence for some future US Court ruling?
bulletWell, Justice Kennedy has now opened the door to a new travesty. Activist Judges like Kennedy are now going to attempt to redefine MARRIGE.
bulletIn November 2003, the Massachusetts Supreme Court has ORDERED the legalization of homosexual marriage. In a 4 - 3 ruling, the court declared that homosexuals were ENTITLED to marry, and ORDERED the legislature to devise a scheme that would allow this to happen.
bulletThey went on to say that Civil Unions would not be enough. ONLY FULL, equal marriage rights would satisfy the state. If we, the Majority of patriotic Americans don’t stand up and take action, we will be witnessing the DEATH of self-government.


bulletNow, lets jump to the Alabama appeals court, which declared the Ten Commandments can no longer be displayed in any state court. It seems they have not noticed that those very same tablets containing the same Ten Commandments and the figure of Moses receiving the tablets from God are carved into the stone wall of the US Supreme Court Building.
bulletThe American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed suit to get a court to remove the monument, and found a Jimmy Carter appointed federal judge, who was confirmed by a Democrat Senate in 1980 to hear the case. A few months later, and we could have had a Reagan appointee.
bulletJudge Thompson held a weeklong trial, ruled the Ten Commandments monument unconstitutional and ordered it removed from the State Judicial Building.
bulletIn his 76-page rationale for this decision, his principle argument was a violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, which states "Congress shall make no law". Well. . . WHAT law was congress making by the presence of this statue in the rotunda of this building?
bulletHe could not demonstrate that the monument itself violates the First Amendment, his opinion repeatedly rests on Chief Justice Moore's speeches, writings and campaign literature.
bulletThompson concluded that "a reasonable observer" would "feel as though the State of Alabama is advancing or endorsing, favoring or preferring, Christianity."
bulletInteresting, Judge Thompson thinks the picture window and the waterfall behind the courthouse somehow transform the Ten Commandments, WHICH ARE Jewish law, into endorsing Christianity.
bulletUnlike the Texas Sodomy case that the Supreme Court should not have heard, and yet voided state law without any constitutional rational, Why did the Supreme Court choose NOT to hear this case? Should they have?


bulletAnd then there are the many issues surrounding the Pledge of Allegiance. Last year, the 9th Circus Court of Lefties ban the pledge because the words "Under God" are within it. There are presently 33 states that REQUIRE the pledge to be recited in schools. THIS will be the next target of the Red Diaper Doper Babies at the ACLU.
bulletIn Pennsylvania, a federal judge has VOIDED state law which required teachers to lead the class in the Pledge or singing the Anthem at the start of every day. Why the Anthem, you ask. The 4th stanza contains the words "In GOD is our Trust".


bulletThe last Judicial Masterpiece I want to mention is. . . On December 10th, 2003, the US Constitution suffered another sad day. The US Supreme court upheld the major provisions of the Campaign Reform Act, also known as McCain – Feingold.
bulletThis will prohibit running Broadcast Ads that mention Candidates for Federal office during the 30 days before a Primary and 60 days before a General Election.
bulletThe 1st Amendment declares "Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech". Doesn’t the Supreme Court’s decision open the door to exactly that?
bulletBy allowing congress to severely restrict issue ads during the most important days prior to elections, the ruling violates the principle of the 1st amendment, and gives Congress the authority to regulate the flow of money in political races.
bulletIn a powerful dissent, Justice Antonin Scalia stated "Who could have imagined that the same court which, within the past 4 years, has sternly DISAPPROVED of restrictions upon such inconsequential forms of expression as virtual child pornography, tobacco advertising, dissemination of illegally intercepted communications and sexually explicit cable programming would SMILE with favor upon a law that cuts to the heart of what the 1st amendment is meant to protect: the right to criticize the government".
bulletJustice Clarence Thomas noted that, following the court’s reasoning its logical the next step will be "Outright regulation of the press".


bulletWe NOW have what can effectively be called a "Blackout" period of the 1st amendment. We will now need to put an asterisk on the 1st amendment, along with a footnote that states: "Except for certain months corresponding to Elections".
bulletThe secularists and atheists seek out these visionary judges that seem to have the ability to see rights that were not found by their predecessors for the past 200 years. THEY believe they have the RIGHT to make law, and punish those who challenge their tyranny.
bulletMy friends, must I remind you that in America, the power flows UP from the people. Unlike Europe, where they think that Rights are bestowed upon them from their Monarch, WE KNOW our rights come from GOD, and we LIMIT the flow of power upward to the Government.
bulletHow do we end this Judicial Lunacy? How do we prevent our Justice system from turning into Judicial Terrorism? In the beginning, I stated that these appointments of Federal Judges were Lifetime Appointments. That was actually not quite true.
bulletArticle III Section 1 of the Constitution states "the Judges of both the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their office during good Behavior. . ."
bulletOur Constitution clearly ENUMERATES THE LIMITS of POWER of the Government. Article III, Section 2 empowers congress to pass laws withdrawing jurisdiction from federal courts on issues. A simple solution would be for Congress to enact its constitutional duty as outlined in Article III, and reign in runaway federal court.
bulletBut let us not forget what got us to this point in the first place. Remember now, how important that vote is for your US Senator. Remember the indirect consequences of your vote. Remember the obstructionist behavior we have witnessed by the Senate Democrats in this administration.
bulletWe must begin to remove those Judges that are no longer in GOOD BEHAVIOR. Trust me, after the first impeachment of a Federal Judge, a renewed light, a newfound understanding of the law and our Constitution will fall upon those remaining on the Federal Bench.
bulletAnd finally, Remember what YOU must DO to make a change.

Support the Troops Rally, Oak Harbor WA - 3/29/2003

bulletWe are able to be here today because we, unlike the people of Iraq, are able to enjoy freedom. The Freedom that you and I were Endowed with by our Creator. The Freedom that our founding fathers died for, and our Troops are now, once again fighting for, to preserve for our children, and the children of Iraq.
bulletWe have a MORAL OBLIGATION, a Minimum Debt owed for being born a free American, to preserve this freedom for the generations yet unborn.
bulletThere are TWO wars going on right now. There is the war that our brave men and women are fighting in Iraq. But there is another war, RIGHT HERE at home.
bulletWe are in the midst of a Cultural War. A war that rewards the cowardice of Political Correctness, and the resulting loss of not only Personal Freedoms, but also the Respect for them.
bulletAnd that’s why we are here today. We are not represented by the Morons in Hollywood, or the peaceniks that spew Anti War rhetoric, that is really nothing more than Anti American / Anti Bush.
bulletWe are here to show our support for our troops. Support for our President, and Support for the USA. USA. USA
bulletWe must preserve ALL of our freedoms. On September 11th, this country was attacked by terrorists – Islamic Radical Extremists that HATE America. Terrorists that HATE YOU and ME, and everything we stand for. They hate the fact that we are a Free People.
bulletSaddam Hussain and the Butchers of Bagdad support and foster these terrorists groups. This is a regime that uses terror against his their own people. They throw people that speak against them in shredders. They RAPE their woman. They pour acid on people that don’t agree with them. He continues to pay families who use children as suicide bombers.  
bulletThese terrorists are like a malignant tumor. It doesn’t do any good to remove part of it, you have to take it all out. And after 12 years of failure of the UN, and 18 resolutions that they have refused to enforce, the US and our Allies are now prepared to enforce international law and free the people of Iraq. Saddam MUST GO. Saddam MUST GO. Saddam MUST GO.  
bullet"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance".
bulletIt’s OUR responsibility to protect and fight for freedom. WE are the last bastion of hope, a beacon of light. WE AMERICANS, WE are the Stewards of Liberty and Freedom, and MUST stand up for those that cannot. We MUST stand up for the generations to come, the generations yet unborn.
bulletLets march today with PRIDE. Pride in our men and woman in uniform. They have accepted their responsibility to defend freedom. Pride in our President. He has accepted HIS responsibility to defend our country and stand up to Terrorism. And Pride to be AMERICAN.


Candidates BBQ - Valrosa's residence - 7/20/02:

Isn’t it great to be here today? . . . But then again, it’s great to be anywhere.

bulletI want to talk to you a little bit this afternoon about freedom. The Freedom that you and I were Endowed with by our Creator. The Freedom that our founding fathers died for, to preserve for our generation. Now, you have a MORAL OBLIGATION, a Minimum Debt owed for being born a free American, to preserve this freedom for the generations yet unborn.
bulletLincoln once said, "We are now engaged in a great Civil War, testing whether this nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure" He was right then, and he would be right today to say the same thing. Only today’s war is not between the North and the South.
bulletWe are in the midst of a Cultural War. A war that rewards the cowardice of Political Correctness, and the resulting loss of not only Personal Freedoms, but also the Respect for them. 
bulletWe must preserve ALL of our freedoms. On September 11th, this country was attacked by terrorists – Islamic Radical Extremists that HATE America. Terrorists that HATE YOU and ME, and everything we stand for. They hate the fact that we are a Free People.
bulletDo you know what may have prevented 9-11? I’ll tell you - We should have taken out Bin Ladin after he bombed his first embassy. Do you know what may have prevented 9-11? What would have prevented it was if we had allowed our pilots to be armed.
bulletIsn’t it ludicrous that people like Norm Penetta refuse to allow a Pilot to be armed as a last resort to protect the Cockpit, but they will give these same pilots, many of whom are Air National Guard Pilots, an F16 to shoot down that commercial airliner if the cockpit is breached!
bulletThere will NEVER be enough Federal Marshals for every plane. But there will ALWAYS be pilots on EVERY plane.

And do you know what is keeping the pilots from being armed today?


bulletAnd now, 9-11 is being used to as an excuse to chisel away at many of our freedoms. The Constitution is the Supreme Law of our Land. Those that don’t support our Constitution are Political Terrorists. Those in elected office, that don’t support our Constitution, by legislating our freedoms away, NEED TO BE VOTED OUT!
bulletWe hassle woman whose under wire bras set off metal detectors. We take away grandmother’s nail clippers and crochet needles. Just a few weeks ago, they prevented a soldier who had been SHOT IN THE FACE in Afghanistan from boarding his plane while trying to return home to recover from his battle wounds. His jaw had been wired shut as a result from the bullet wound. The doctors gave him a small surgical wire cutter to use in an emergency if he began to vomit, to keep him from choking to death. They wouldn’t let him on board!
bulletWHY? I’ll tell you. Because Political Correctness prevents profiling a Middle East male, ex-con paying cash for a 1-way ticket with C4 in his shoes. 
bulletLet's pause a moment and take a simple little test:
    1. In 1983, the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut was blown up by:
      (a) A pizza delivery boy;
      (b) Crazed feminists complaining that having to throw a grenade beyond its own burst radius in basic training was an unfair and sexist job requirement;
      (c) Geraldo Rivera making up for a slow news day; or
      (d) Muslim male extremists between the ages of 17 and 40.
    2. In 1993, the World Trade Center was bombed by:
      (a) The entire cast of "Cats";
      (b) Martha Stewart;
      (c) Cheese-crazed tourists from Wisconsin; or
      (d) Muslim male extremists between the ages of 17 and 40.
    3. On 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked and destroyed by:
      (a) Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, and Elmer Fudd.
      (b) The US Supreme Court,
      (c) Barney; or
      (d) Muslim male extremists between the ages of 17 and 40.
bulletIts important for Americans to understand that the 9-11 hijackings are a problem of the U.S. Government allowing illegal aliens to roam freely in our country, and promiscuously issuing visas without proper certifications. It’s a problem of the government failing to enforce current immigration and visa laws, and failing to deport illegal aliens including those who overstay their visas.
bullet"They that can give up essential freedom to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither freedom nor safety".
bulletFollowing a 1996 Massacre in Scotland, England gave up their freedom to own guns. In 1998, the rate of muggings in England had surpassed that in the U.S. by 40 percent. Assault and burglary rates were found to be almost 100 percent higher in England than in the United States.They now have cameras taking pictures of law-abiding citizens. But then again. . . They’ve always been SUBJECTS of the Crown. BUT NOT US, because we had a little party over 200 years ago called The American Revolution!
bulletBut we are now giving up our right to free speech. We now will put citizens in jail for exercising free speech, by speaking against a politician 60 days before an election, thanks to campaign finance reform.
bulletOver 225 years ago, our forefathers used the tools of their day (HOLD UP MUSKET) very similar to this, to fight and die for the freedoms that many Americans now take for granted.
bulletThey left us this (HOLD UP CONSTITUTION), the Supreme Law of the land, to secure our freedom.
bulletNow, (HOLD UP VOTER REG) this is a tool of the 21st century. This is a voter registration form. Every one you probably know 1 person that doesn’t vote. I urge you to take some of these, and get your conservative friends to register to vote, and to VOTE REPUBLICAN.


bulletWe MUST use THIS (HOLD UP VOTER REG) to elect people who will defend THIS (HOLD UP CONSTITUTION), so we Never have to resort back to THIS (HOLD UP MUSKET).


bulletYOU are the freedom fighters of the 21st century. It’s Black and White, All or Nothing. You’re either With us or Against us. You are for FREEDOM OR TYRANNY.
bulletIs not negotiable, you can’t have a little freedom. You are either FREE, OR NOT FREE. My freedom is a gift, a gift from GOD, and Chuck Schumer, Diane Finstien, Hillary Clinton and John McCain DON"T have the right to take it away!
bulletSlavery is the product of socialism, and Freedom is the result of a people who know their rights, rights that come from GOD.
And we empower the states to enforce those truths. We are ENDOWED by our Creator, not bequeathed at the whim of those who deem themselves our betters. But unless we know our rights and take back our lives, we are doomed, and your children’s children will never know freedom.
bulletDo you want Hillary as president? (Strike a match, hold it to the Constitution)
bulletYou want to kiss any freedom you have left goodbye?
bulletYou want to live poorly, depending on the bureaucracy for all of your needs?
bulletYou want to have your children drugged in kindergarten? Dumbed down to be worker bees for some future Brave New World?
bulletYou want to let some bureaucrat determine what your quality of life should be?


bulletBUT I DON’T THINK THAT’S WHAT YOU WANT. Its time for America to wake up and smell the coffee, throw the socialists out of office and turn that 27 inch peephole into paradise to a channel that tells the truth, or better yet, the Internet, where you can easily find the truth if you are a thinking person that’s not a victim of our government education system.
bullet"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance".
bulletIt’s OUR responsibility to protect and fight for freedom. WE are the last bastion of hope, a beacon of light. WE AMERICANS, WE the Stewards of Liberty and Freedom, MUST stand up for the generations to come, the generations yet unborn.
bulletWe must help to elect those that will secure our freedoms, not take them away. We MUST elect those that support & defend the Constitution, NOT ignore or re-write it.
bulletWhen the politicians ask us to give up our freedom, tell them HELL NO!


bulletWe only did half the job in 2000. Now we must do the other half in 2002.
bulletGet behind these fine candidates; volunteer some of your time.
bulletNone of these candidates can get elected without your help.
bulletReach DEEP into your pocket, because if you don’t, the DEMOCRATS, like our governor, Chairman Gary Locke and our congressman Comrade Rick Larsen will!




Cambodian-American Dinner - Seattle WA - 3/8/2001


bulletISN’T THIS A GREAT TIME IN AMERICA? Don’t you feel Relieved when you wake up in the morning, knowing we HAVE A REAL PRESIDENT, A PERSON OF HONESTY, COURAGE AND INTEGRETY sitting in the White House. President George W. Bush – its like Music to my ears.
bulletI am truly honored and humbled that you asked me once again, to be here and speak before you.
bulletThomas Jefferson once said, "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance".
bulletIts often forgotten by some, and not ever realized by many, that we all must work hard and continuously to remain free.
bulletThe erosion of freedom is sometimes not very evident;
we must always be on the alert, and prepared to fight. The centralization of Power, dismantling of the Constitution, and the expansion of the welfare state are but a few insidious steps that we have BLINDLY moved from freedom to tyranny.
bulletThis may sound melodramatic, because most Americans think our political system & our Country, are immune to tyranny. BUT DON’T YOU BE FOOLED. There are many forms that tyranny can take, not always as evident as dictatorships, or monarchies.


bulletOur Founding Fathers in their GENIUS knew that tyranny was a constant danger, EVEN to Free People, and it is ESPECIALLY DANGEROUS when we forget how fragile freedom really is.
bulletOur basic freedoms and rights do NOT come from our government, NO. They are given to us by GOD.
bulletThe Constitution does not give us Free Speech, or the right to defend ourselves, or the right to free exercise of religion. It ONLY acknowledges that each of us were BORN with these rights. That we are ENDOWED BY OUR CREATOR, as the Declaration of Independence so eloquently states.
bulletIf we are to respect life, our INATE rights, and the authority which the Founders based their legal opinion on concerning OUR separation from England, there MUST BE a respect for that Creator from which all our rights flow.
bulletThis is NOT a promotion of religion, or promotion of belief in a personal GOD, but that our worth derives from NO Government or person, but is something we are ALL born with, and NO ONE can ever deprive us of.
bulletRonald Reagan, the greatest president of the century, said, "The constitution was never meant to prevent people from praying, its declared purpose was to PROTECT their freedom to pray.


bulletHaving seen the problems of governments dominated by religious order, and religious beliefs dictated by government, our Founders wanted to ensure that we would have separation of church and state".
bulletThe words "Separation of Church and State" don’t actually appear ANYWHERE in the Constitution. The First Amendment states "Congress shall make NO law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. . ."
bullet"This simply meant that we’d be FREE to worship AS WE CHOOSE, that government can not discriminate against any denomination, NOR could any denomination assume the role of government.
bulletAnd yet, while voluntary prayer is banned in our schools, haven’t we made Atheism a religion and imposed THAT religion on those of us who uphold our Judeo-Christian traditions?
bulletInscribed on the Jefferson Memorial in Washington DC are Jefferson’s own words "The God Who gave us life, gave us liberty - - can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?"
bulletThe First Amendment was NOT written to protect us from religious values, it was written to protect our values from a tyrant government.
bulletAnd an armed citizenry is the Final Check on tyranny.


bulletWhen I speak to people and ask them "Why do you think the Founders wrote the 2nd Amendment, the Right to Keep and Bear Arms SHALL NOT be infringed. Most say, "for protection, from robbers and criminals". While this is partially correct, what most people fail to understand, is that the Founders wanted to ensure we could protect ourselves from a tyrant government.
bulletThink about it. If the British had never allowed the colonist to be armed, HOW could we have ever fought and won the American Revolution?
bulletAlexander Hamilton was very concerned about this, and he wrote that if it was ever necessary for government to form a large army, that army could NOT threaten the liberty of the People IF THEY WERE ARMED and ready to protect their rights and their fellow citizens.
bulletAdolf Hitler once said, " The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms; history shows that ALL conquerors who have allowed their subjected people to carry arms have prepared their own fall.
bulletTHAT MY FRIENDS, is why we will remain free.
bulletThe stewardship of American liberties and freedom is not only important to us, but to the people of ALL the world.


bulletWE are the last bastion of hope, a beacon of light. WE AMERICANS, WE the Stewards of Liberty and Freedom, MUST stand up for the generations to come, the generations yet unborn.
bulletAlexander Hamilton once said, "The sacred rights of mankind are Not to be rummaged for, among old parchments or musty records. They are written as with a Sun Beam in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of The Divinity Itself; and CAN NEVER be erased or obscured by MORTAL power.
bulletWe MUST prevent the corruption of our principles from finding a blessing in Washington DC, the White House and our COURTS. ALL of us must work VERY hard to win back BOTH of our U.S. Senate seats. We MUST UN-LOCKE Washington State, and put a Conservative Republican in the Governor’s Mansion. We MUST ELECT Judges that are constructionists, NOT ones that want to re-write law and the Constitution from the Bench.
bulletAnd we CANNOT wait till July of 2004 to start. It will be too late then. NOW is the time to act.
bulletRemember, that price of freedom is ETERNAL VIGILANCE. NEVER stop fighting. Never let your guard down.
bulletTalk to your friends and family, ensure they register to vote, and that they understand that the Republican Party is the Party of Liberty, the party of Equality of opportunity for ALL and Favoritism for NONE.


bulletSpread the word – spread the TRUTH. Write letters to the editors of our newspapers. This is FREE advertising that we must take advantage of.
bulletPick a candidate that you like, and VOLUNTEER your time to help work on the campaign. GET INVOLVED. Its fun, you’ll make new friends, and you’ll feel well rewarded, knowing that YOU will be affecting America and the World.
bulletNOTHING will make me happier, than to be here with all of you AGAIN in 2004, to celebrate the
