
Up NationalConvention Speeches Inauguration

Republican National Convention 2000   Philadelphia Pennsylvania

andy_jim.jpg (622839 bytes)   Andy and Jimmy

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National Convention

Andy with PA Gov Tom Ridge

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National Convention

On the floor with Sharon Bumala, Bob Strauss, and Moe Evans

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National Convention

On the floor with WA State Senator Don Benton

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In the Oval Office (actually a mockup)

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National Convention

At a lunch reception with Congressman Dan Burton, Chairman of Committee on Gov't Reform

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National Convention

At a lunch reception with Congressman Bob Barr, House Impeachment Manager

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National Convention

Nancy Reagan, Presiden and Mrs Bush, President and Mrs Ford

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National Convention

Nancy Reagan, Presiden and Mrs Bush, President and Mrs Ford with Rudy Giuliani

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Aug 2000

National Convention

At a lunch reception with US Senator Bob Smith, NH

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Aug 2000

National Convention

At a lunch reception with Presidential Candidate Allan Keyes speaking about Life, as it appears in our Constitution

national11.jpg (58041 bytes) Aug 2000

National Convention

At a lunch reception with Presidential Candidate Allan Keyes

national12.jpg (57744 bytes) Aug 2000

National Convention

President and Barbara Bush

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National Convention

GW Bush speaking

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National Convention

The Finale

Up NationalConvention Speeches Inauguration